something to ponder
So we all know that the hypochondrium is the area below the costal margin in the abdominal region. So I pose a question to all who care: where does the term "hypochondriac" orginate??? The first person who discovers the TRUE answer to this probing question shall receive a virtual hug.
1839, "illness without a specific cause," earlier (1668) "depression or melancholy without real cause," earlier still (1373) ypocandria "upper abdomen," from L.L. hypochondria "the abdomen," from Gk. hypochondria (neut. pl.), from hypo- "under" + chondros "cartilage" (of the breastbone). Reflecting ancient belief that the viscera of the hypochondria were the seat of melancholy. Hypochondriac (n.) in modern sense first recorded 1888.
Thanks Brad! 1 virtual hug for u. :))
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