Reading Suggestion
I have talked to a lot of our classmates and have been excited about how many of us are keeping up our "extracurricular" reading. I would love to know what people are reading and what they would recommend.
My current book is The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright. It is rumored to be the definitive book on 9/11 to date.
I appreciate the insight into fundamentalist Islam and its rhetoric. I didn't understand what elements within Islam would compel indivduals to pursue martyrdom. I was also interested in the circumstances surrounding the formation of al-Qaeda. Anyhow, it is a wonderful book.
It's going on my reading may be awhile before I get to it...long list. Sounds interesting though.
Reading Lolita in Tehran is a wonderful read. It is a memoir in books, some of the classics we read in high school. It is also provides a synopsis on the Iranian revolution and how it impacted the lives of the more liberal citizens. Highly recommended. Right now, as a follow up, I am reading Lolita. It makes me kind of uncomfortable but Nabokov is an amazing writer none the less.
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