Life changes...
(playing on iTunes: You Look So Fine - Garbage)
So...I am paying $20,000 per year, staying up late studying vaginas, anal canals, and other various sphincters... looking at histological pornography (Justin--pure genuis) wife encourages me to do it... I enjoy doing it... There has been some significant modulation in my persona recently...
I'm going to bed dudes...see you bright and early. Ugh...
By the way, someone should make a catchy jingle about the transformations that the paramesonephric duct goes through to form various know, to help us all remember. You could use the music from The Wizard of Oz or Motley Crue...or...
With all the acronyms we use...ya know MIS, ABP and STD in the LBC...we need an MC to freestyle us a little rap song with a killar beat for rizzle. Where are our class MCs?
Try Beastie Boys The Sounds of Science (2 full discs for your listening pleasure), almost rap and some science, pretty funny :)
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