
How Love Works

I found this quite interesting...

Staring Into Each Other's Eyes
Professor Arthur Aron, of the State University of New York at Stonybrook, has studied what happens when people fall in love and has found that simply staring into each other's eyes has tremendous impact.

In an experiment he conducted, Professor Aron put strangers of the opposite sex together for 90 minutes and had them discuss intimate details about themselves. He then had them stare into each other's eyes for four minutes without talking. The results? Many of the subjects felt a deep attraction for their partner after the experiment, and two even ended up getting married six months later.

More about How Love Works @ http://people.howstuffworks.com/love.htm


I think this experiment has some confounding variables... How is the experimenter able to deduce which factor contributed to the partners' deep attraction for each other? Was it because they had discussed intimate details about themselves for 90 minutes? Or was it soley based on the fact that the partners stared into each others' eyes for four minutes? What about partners who shared intimate details, but did not stare into each other's eyes? and vice-versa?

So who wants to try this experiment with me?


At 10/16/2006 2:09 PM, Blogger Armchair-Revolutionary said...

what does irony smell like?

At 10/16/2006 8:35 PM, Blogger jujuklutz said...

what do you mean irony?

At 10/16/2006 9:18 PM, Blogger jujuklutz said...

no wait, i think it smells like hydrogen sulfide gas...

haha.. jk.. i really don't know what you're talking about... what irony?


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